EYP Greece organises two National Selection Conferences (Sessions) annually, in Athens (April) and Thessaloniki (December) respectively. But what is a National Selection Conference?
The participants of a NSC are distinguished between Officials and Delegates. The Officials are young volunteers divided into 3 independent but constantly collaborating working groups, the Chairpersons, the Media Team and the Organising Team, and are trained the day before each Session begins. The Delegates are high-school students who are divided into 10 Committees, each of which will work on a specific European topic.
Each Session’s work is based on non-formal education and can be broken down into three (3) parts: Teambuilding, Committee Work and General Assembly. During Teambuilding, the Delegates of each Committee participate in a variety of activities whose purpose is to enhance trust, teamwork and solidarity amongst them. During Committee Work, the delegates discuss and debate on the topic of their Committee. The result of this discussion is the creation of a unanimous motion for resolution on which the solutions regarding the Committee’s topic are going to be depicted. The General Assembly reunites all participants of the Session. Each Committee has the opportunity to present and defend their motion for resolution, which is then debated by the Assembly, according to the rules and ethics of parliamentary dialogue.
Apart from the National Selection Conferences, EYP Greece has successfully organised International Sessions, having hold the 66th International Session of the EYP held in Athens in 2011. In addition, EYP Greece has held 6 other International Fora in previous years.
As EYP Greece wants to ensure the further development and involvement of youngsters with the association, a variety of activities such as Alumni Weekends and Training Programs are being organised consistently. Indicatively, so far, 5 Alumni Weekends, 1 International Training and 1 Organising Workshop have taken place.