Published on 30/12/2022 under News
Dear Members of the EYP Community,
Thank you for your interest to apply as a Trainer to Piraeus ‘23 - 2nd International Training of EYP Greece!
We highly encourage you to read the Head Trainer’s Vision for the Training Team before submitting your application:
“Welcome message from the Head Trainer
Hello, you. If you are reading this, it likely means that you have taken an interest in the 2nd International Training of EYP Greece, taking place this spring in Piraeus. Allow me to introduce myself and hopefully trigger your interest in our event a bit further.
My name is Elisavet and I will be the Head Trainer of this IT. I have been involved in the EYP since 2014 and have had a chance to see quite a lot of its facets, especially in terms of academic teams, project management, NC duties, and leadership positions. The learning and educational aspect of the EYP has always been an area of interest for me; I believe it does not stop within the borders of a session experience and its learning outcomes, but it expands to the expertise and knowledge that we all acquire in preparation for our roles and through more targeted events like Trainings or through our overall involvement in and understanding of the EYP Network.
If you are anything like me, we would likely have a lot to chat about and many ideas to share. Hopefully there will be a few things we have learned along the way that we are ready to organise and disseminate to those who are curious enough to want to learn more.
The theme
“No one left behind: navigating the new wave through an ocean of possibilities”.
The theme of our International Training can be interpreted in many ways and, most importantly, it can be interpreted in any way that you see fit. Our network is growing but also facing several challenges that were unheard of in the pre-COVID-19 era and require out-of-the-box thinking. At the same time, new generations of EYPers are either eagerly transitioning into a world of physical sessions, taking advantage of digital tools, or being in a limbo state and struggling to understand what the EYP is or can be today. Do you think you would know how to take them by the hand and guide them through this? If yes, we are looking for you.
Who are we looking for?
If you are passionate about contributing to people’s personal development, if you have knack for creating training modules and efficiently sharing your knowledge, if you are willing to look at the individual level, identify good practices, and build a collective and peer-to-peer learning community, you are likely a great fit for our event.
The 2nd International Training of EYP Greece will attempt to cover a variety of topics and learning areas of EYP’s main roles and structures. Our aim is to cover a multitude of training tracks, including academics, media, organising, and concepts related to administrative knowledge and/or soft skills. Within that framework, we would like to have on board approximately 8 trainers with relevant areas of expertise. As Head Trainer, I will support all trainers in the development of our general training scope, structure, aims and objectives, as well as in the implementation of applicable learning methods. At the end of the day, we hope to have put together modules that will cover a variety of topics but also a wide range of difficulty levels, to address the needs of both newer and more experienced trainees.
I am looking forward to reading your application!
-Elisavet Sidiropoulou, Head Trainer of Piraeus ‘23-2nd International Training of EYP Greece
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