Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 25/09/2023 στην κατηγορία Νέα
Dear Potential Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in joining us for Thessaloniki 2024! With the theme of “Harbour of Innovation'', we are more than ready to embark on this journey with you, combining and furthering our organisational and leadership skills. If you are someone interested in helping shape the groundwork for the 101st flagship event of our Network, you are at the right place. In this booklet you will find more information regarding the session, our vision for the work of the Core Team within the Organising Team, as well as some important information about the different clusters and their timelines. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to either of us. We cannot wait to see your applications and meet you very soon.
Information about Thessaloniki
With International Sessions returning to Thessaloniki after 27 years, we are very excited to welcome you all to the “Harbour of Innovation”. With the official dates for the Delegates being from the 20th until the 28th July 2024, a fun and productive summer is in the works for everyone involved.
Taking inspiration from the port of Thessaloniki, a growing force for transportation and logistics in Northern Greece but also a meeting point at the city center hosting multiple cultural events, we want this session to combine the human factor together with advancing technologies. The session schedule and any preparatory meetings will be reflecting these two aspects with equal effort into human interaction and proper Team Building as well as constantly developing soft and technical skills. We want Thessaloniki to be a place for people to rediscover themselves while having the opportunity to try out new things and approaches.
The Organising Team
Shaping the vision for an International Session is never an easy task as the event is not only important for EYP Greece or the National Committees. International Sessions play an active role in inspiring the younger generation of EYPers to become more active in the network and provides a challenge for the more experienced ones to try out their innovative ideas and challenge their skills. In this sense, what we are looking for in the organising team as a whole is a mixture of experiences and ideas. The Core Team Members will have an active role in the shaping of the organising team, being responsible for their clusters both in terms of task assignment and monitoring as well as team organisation. We want to work together with the Core Team to help ensure all organisers have the necessary skills and capacities leading up to the event itself. Thus, we also want our Core Team to develop their leadership skills and feel challenged throughout the event with the safety net of our guidance and support.
The structure of the team will require close collaboration between the Core Team Members. Choosing to hold “Organisational Leadership” calls where all updates regarding the session will be discussed and small training sessions will be taking place enhancing everyone’s skillset not just in terms of EYP skills, we hope to give everyone enough ownership of the event as well as maintain a proper information flow. Thus, we are looking for individuals who wish to dedicate themselves to the session not just timewise but also mentally by being active members of the team, wanting to get to know each other and the organisers who will later on join.This goes without saying, that the Core Team will have more than enough freedom to plan and prepare their own training and group activities.
Overall, we are looking forward to work together with responsible, dedicated and open to fun people for Thessaloniki 2024. If you feel you have what it takes and wish to grow alongside us, do apply for this event and we are sure you will not be disappointed.
The clusters
To better handle the workload and provide with a sense of stability for the Core Team, we have decided to create the following clusters.
- National & International Partnerships (Steve)
As explained in the name, the 2 Core Organisers involved in this cluster will be focusing on expanding the fundraising efforts for the event under the guidance of the Head Organisers. Their tasks will include communication with (potential) partners and the improvement of relevant material. Under the umbrella term of “shaping the partner’s experience” they will be involved in all clusters, ensuring that both the session’s and partners’ needs are met. During the actual event, the Core Organisers will become involved with other clusters and tasks.
- Venues & Accommodation (Elena)
The Core-Organiser selected for this position will help the session find its home within the city of Thessaloniki. Responsible for conveying the expectations set for each space required for the event, they will get the opportunity to explore the city of Thessaloniki with Elena and make many exciting decisions when it comes to seating plans as well as social event venues.
- Logistics & Transportation (Elena)
The Core-Organiser selected for this position will coordinate with the Core Organiser for Venues & Accommodation to make the most of the session’s logistics. Keeping the welfare of the participants in mind from the very beginning, they will handle the logistics of the event, making the most of our time in Thessaloniki.
Working closely with the Core Organisers for Partnerships, the Core Organiser for Food & Material will help shape the plan for covering the needs of the session. In collaboration with Venues & Logistics they will be creating the inventory of the session and ensure all participants have enough food to sustain themselves.
- Participant Support & Theme Implementation (Elena)
The Core-Organiser responsible for this cluster will take on an important role in shaping the Participant Experience. Through collaboration with the rest of the clusters they will provide with Travel Assistance and help make sure all participants have the necessary information for the event. In close cooperation with the Core-Organiser for Venues & Accommodation they will help plan the social activities of the session. This role does require someone easily adaptable across platforms and communication media as it can be challenging to keep up with participants and their various needs.
For the positions of National Partnerships,Venues & Accommodation, Logistics & Transportation, and Food & Material, Greek speakers (preferably residing in Thessaloniki) will be preferred. The positions for International Partnerships and Participant Support & Theme Implementation, everyone from the EYP network is welcome to apply.
To create an easier communication flow, we have also divided the clusters amongst ourselves with one person handling the day to day communications for each of them. You can find this division in the following table:
Venues & Accomodation (1 CO)
National & International Partnerships (2CO)
Logistics & Transport (1CO)
Food & Material (1CO)
Participant Support & Theme Implementation (1CO)
Important Information & Timelines
As we want to get to know each other before we kick off our work we aim to have an onboarding call as soon as the selection procedures and onboarding process has been completed. This will be important as we want the Core Team to be involved with the vision before we open the call for Organisers.
The first team meeting will be on Sunday the 22nd of October from 10:00CEST until 14:00CEST and is mandatory for everyone to participate so please note this date on your calendars.The format of this meeting will be decided once the participants are confirmed.
The first organisers training (in hybrid format) will be held on the 26th of November in Thessaloniki and using whichever online platform we deem fit.
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