Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 30/12/2022 στην κατηγορία Νέα
Dear Members of the EYP Community,
Thank you for your interest to apply as a Media Team Member to Piraeus ‘23 - 2nd International Training of EYP Greece!
We highly encourage you to read the Editor’s Vision for the Media Team before submitting your application:
“Structure of the Media Team
I will be employing 3 Media Team Members with diverse skillset who are visionaries and are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone in the pursuit of creative innovation. Your responsibilities will revolve around documenting the session activities and elevating the participants’ experience through interactive projects. Furthermore, I aim to give extra emphasis on capturing and sharing real-time footage to engage with our outside audience and not limiting our activities to the physical geographical borders of the event. The output and general team structure will be built upon the talents of the selected participants. This is because I wish to give you as much ownership as possible while ensuring a diverse and unique output. Summarising, I strive to adopt the Japanese concept of “ikigai” where, in essence, you, as an individual, feel a sense of pursuit through your work, driving your motivation to new heights! This will be achieved through the establishment of a peer-to-peer support environment, where everyone feels both mentally and emotionally included.
Pre-Event Work
Given the reduced size of the team, I will emphasise personal development. Aside from the typical media-related modules, we will focus on cultivating transferable skills, specifically in team management and marketing. This will be accomplished through pre-event digital training and activities. My wish is not solely to make you great MTMs but to take it a step further and equip you with the necessary skills to formulate your own goals and vision, as potential future Editors. You and I will be preparing much of the groundwork before the event through the creation of a motherboard. This in hand, will allow us to fully utilise our time and resources, as well as reduce anxiety and ensure you get to enjoy the networking aspect that comes with such international activities.
I am looking forward to reading your application!
Stylianos Hadjiforados, Editor of Piraeus ‘23- 2nd International Training of EYP Greece”
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